Take your companion for a revitalizing workout with DEFGROUP
Be different. When Valentine’s Day, etc.
Let Yunus tell you the reasons:
For total beginners, jumping into a martial arts environment, even into a friendly one like ours, might be intimidating or just unusual for some people. Having you loved one to assist you would be the great motivator that you need.
Modern life comes with many advantages, but also with it’s own problems. Focused on “success” we often forget to spend quality time with our loved ones. We share less and less with each other and in the long term, things get to quiet down a bunch. Jiu-jitsu training, very focused on having the right partners to train with, might be a great way to connect further with your partner and considering the endless possibilities in this martial art, have a unique experience each time you train.
Jiu-jitsu is FUN! People often get addicted to this sport due to how fun it is. On top of that, you stay healthy, and your body produces happiness hormones that makes you feel good further. Who else to enjoy such a great experience if not your significant other.
My wife also trains BJJ under me and even while I’m at home I can try or go over the moves I forget any time with my wife, thanks to her!